Scholarship and Publications
Journal Articles & Book Chapters
2022 Ashraf, Tammana; Dinar, Shlomi; & Veilleux, Jennifer Dams, Terrorism, and Water Nationalism’s Response to Globalization and Development: The Case of South Asia. Terrorism and Political Violence, 03 June.
2020 Spotted Eagle, Faith & Veilleux, Jennifer. Relationship-based Water Management. American Water Resources Association IMPACT Q1 2021.
2019 Veilleux, Jennifer & Dinar, Shlomi. A Global Analysis of Water-related Terrorism 1970-2016. Terrorism and Political Violence. May
2019 Veilleux, Jennifer & Dinar, Shlomi. A Geospatial Analysis of Water-related Risk to International Security: an assessment of five
countries. GeoJournal. August
2018 Veilleux, Jennifer & Dinar, Shlomi. "A New Global Analysis Finds Water Related Terrorism is on the Rise," New Security Beat.
Woodrow Wilson Center. May 8
2018 Veilleux, Jennifer. "Water Security vs. Hydrofracking: A Case of Human Rights in the USA" Center for Human & Nature.
2018 de Silva, Lynette, Jennifer C. Veilleux, Marian Patrick. "Gender issues in transboundary freshwater dispute
resolution." Water Security Across the Gender Divide. Springer Book Series, Water Security in a New World.
2017 Veilleux, Jennifer & Dinar, Shlomi. "Nile Dynamics," American Interest. November 7.
2017 Veilleux, Jennifer. Aquatic Systems Connectivity and the Case of Standing Rock: the Need for Indigenous Knowledge Inclusion to
Close the Policy and Culture Gap. Water Resources IMPACT. March.
2017 Petersen-Perlman, Jacob D., Jennifer C. Veilleux, and Aaron T. Wolf. “International Water Conflict and Cooperation: Challenges and Opportunities.” Water International. Special Issue: Riparian Cooperation: Transboundary Rivers in Asia and Beyond.
2016 Petersen-Perlman, Jacob D., Jennifer C. Veilleux, and Aaron T. Wolf. “Chapter 142: Transboundary Water Management.” Edited by
Vijay Singh. Chow’s Handbook of Applied Hydrology, Second Edition. McGraw-Hill Education; 2 edition (September 9, 2016).
2016 Veilleux, J.C. "How Will the Renaissance Dam Impact Peace?" Overview and opinion essays in Burnett, M.T. (editor) Natural
Resources Conflicts--From Conflict Diamonds to Rainforest Destruction, ABC-CLIO/Greenwood/Praeger.
2016 Veilleux, J.C. " Could Conflicts Over Water Actually Promote Peace and Stability?" Overview and opinion essays in Burnett, M.T.
(editor) Natural Resources Conflicts--From Conflict Diamonds to Rainforest Destruction, ABC-CLIO/Greenwood/Praeger.
2016 Veilleux, J.C. " Is the Mekong River Resource a Potential for Conflict in the Region?" Overview and opinion essays in Burnett, M.T.
(editor) Natural Resources Conflicts--From Conflict Diamonds to Rainforest Destruction, ABC-CLIO/Greenwood/Praeger.
2016 Anderson, E.P. and J.C. Veilleux. Cultural costs of tropical dams. Science 352: 6282, p. 159.
2016 Veilleux, J. C. and Anderson, E. P. 2015 Snapshot of Water Security in the Nile, Mekong, and Amazon River Basins. Limnology and
Oceanography Bulletin, 25: 8–14. doi:10.1002/lob.10085.
2015 Veilleux J.C. Water Conflict Case Study - Ethiopia's Grand Renaissance Dam: Turning from Conflict to Cooperation, Reference
Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, Elsevier.
2014 Veilleux, Jennifer C., Matthew Zentner, Aaron Wolf. 2014. The Relationship Between Freshwater
Resources, Socio‐Cultural Dynamics, and Geopolitical Stability. USGIF Monograph Series #1: Challenges of Socio‐Cultural Dynamics for Global Security. Chapter 3.2
2014 Veilleux, Jennifer C. Is Dam Development a Mechanism for Human Security? Scale and Perception
of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam on the Blue Nile River in Ethiopia and the Xayaburi Dam on the Mekong River in Laos. Oregon State University. Ph.D. Dissertation.
*For unpublished and additional information generated from this research see this weblink.
2013 Wolf, Aaron T., Jacob Petersen‐Perlman, Jennifer C. Veilleux, Julie E. Watson. The Context for
Cooperation in the Nile River Basin: A Brief Political Economy Analysis. Oregon State University, World Bank‐Nile Basin Trust Fund. October 10, 2013.
2013 Veilleux, Jennifer C. The Human Security Dimensions of Dam Development: The Grand Ethiopian
Renaissance Dam, Global Dialogue Volume 15, Number 2, Summer/Autumn 2013— Water: Cooperation or Conflict?
2012 Petersen‐Perlman, Jacob, Jennifer C. Veilleux, Matthew Zentner, Aaron T. Wolf. Case Studies on
Water Security: Analysis of System Complexity and the Role of Institutions, Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education (JCWRE), 149 (1), 4‐12. December 2012.
Blogs & Webpages
The Way of Water: authored weblog records field research, news articles, interviews, and information about water resources, focused on the Nile and Mekong Rivers (also on Facebook).
Serengeti-Lake Victoria Sustainable Water Iniative (SELVA): coauthored weblog about the SELVA project for water security research in the Mara River, Tanzania (also on Facebook).
Social Media
World Waters: twitter account: water resources related, special focus on the Nile, Mekong, and California drought.
SELVA: images, links, and news about SELVA, Tanzania, Serengeti, Maasai Mara, and the Mara River.
Portraits of Change: Instagram account of photographs.